CHOL+HDL+GLU test strips

PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY - In order to complete the purchase of this item, a CLIA number and CLIA certification are required.

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PTS Panels CHOL+HDL+GLU test strips measure cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and glucose in whole blood with the CardioChek PA or CardioChek Plus professional analyzer, and provide a quantitative result.

Product Specifications

Specimen CollectionWhole blood or fresh venous whole blood specimen collection
Sample Size40 µL whole blood
Time to resultsWithin 90 seconds
Kit contents(15) PTS Panels CHOL+HDL+GLU test strips, (15) MEMo Chips (contains lot-specific test strip information), Instructions for use
CLIA ComplexityWaived


CPT Codes

  • 83718QW

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